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South Carolina Man Arrested in 34-Year-Old Cold Case Murder of His Son

In a shocking turn of events, a South Carolina man has finally been apprehended for the murder of his own son, 34 years after the crime took place. The Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office announced on January 10 that Victor Lee Turner and his stepmother, Megan Renee Turner, have been charged with the murder of 5-year-old Justin Lee Turner, who was discovered strangled to death in 1989.

What initially seemed like a heart-wrenching scene of a devastated father stumbling upon his son’s lifeless body has now been revealed as a carefully staged act. Authorities have been tirelessly working on this cold case for over a year, and recent advancements in technology have allowed them to gather sufficient evidence to make these arrests. This heartbreaking tragedy serves as a daunting reminder of the dark secrets that can lay hidden even within the closest of family ties.

South Carolina Man Arrested in 34-Year-Old Cold Case Murder of His Son

Background Information

The murder case

In 1989, a tragic murder case shook the community of South Carolina. Five-year-old Justin Lee Turner was found strangled to death, sparking an investigation into the circumstances surrounding his untimely demise.

Arrest of the father and stepmother

After 34 years of unresolved questions, the Berkeley County Sheriff’s Office announced the arrest of Victor Lee Turner and Megan Renee Turner on charges of murder in relation to Justin Lee Turner’s death. The arrest brings a glimmer of hope for closure and justice to the case that has haunted the community for decades.


Initial story and staged scene

Upon the discovery of Justin Lee Turner’s lifeless body, his father, Victor Lee Turner, appeared distraught and grief-stricken. However, authorities now believe that the scene was staged to conceal the true nature of the crime. Berkeley County Sheriff S. Duane Lewis pointed to inconsistencies in the narrative presented by the Turners, suggesting that they intentionally manipulated the events, making it look like an accident or natural death.

Inconsistencies in the story

Authorities have identified several inconsistencies in the initial account provided by the Turners. They had initially claimed that Justin had boarded the school bus on the morning of March 3, 1989, and never returned. However, subsequent investigation and evidence gathering revealed that Justin never made it to school that morning. These inconsistencies raised suspicions and prompted a deeper examination of the case.

Advanced technology and forensic analysis

Over the course of the past 34 years, advancements in technology have paved the way for more comprehensive forensic analysis. The diligent efforts of investigators, both in the immediate aftermath and in recent years, have led to the collection of substantial physical evidence. This evidence has been submitted to forensic pathologists for meticulous examination, providing a newfound hope for uncovering the truth behind Justin Lee Turner’s murder.

Details of the Murder

Victim’s school absence and lies

The revelation that Justin Lee Turner never boarded the school bus on the day of his murder shattered the initial narrative presented by the Turners. It became apparent that they had fabricated a story to cover up their heinous acts. The deceitful portrayal of Justin’s school absence added another layer of tragedy to an already heart-wrenching case.

Stepmother and father’s involvement

Investigators have determined that both Megan Renee Turner, Justin’s stepmother, and his father, Victor Lee Turner, played a central role in the murder. The details surrounding their involvement remain undisclosed, as the investigation is ongoing. However, the accumulation of evidence and inconsistencies in their accounts have led authorities to charge them with the murder of their own son.

Tragic nature of the murder

The murder of a five-year-old child is an unimaginable tragedy. The loss of innocence and the betrayal exhibited by the individuals entrusted with Justin Lee Turner’s care only amplifies the sorrow felt by the community. As the investigation progresses and more details emerge, the full scope of the tragedy will become clearer.

Legal Representation

No immediate response from Megan Renee Turner’s attorney

Despite the gravity of the charges brought against her, Megan Renee Turner’s attorney has not yet provided a response. The absence of a speedy reaction from her legal representative leaves many questions unanswered and creates an atmosphere of anticipation regarding the direction the defense may take.

No contact with Victor Lee Turner’s attorney

In a similar vein, Victor Lee Turner’s attorney has not been reached for comment on the charges against his client. The composition of his defense strategy and the arguments that will be presented in court remain unknown. The silence from his legal team adds to the weight of the case and raises expectations for the justice system to prevail.


Closure after 34 years

The arrest of Victor Lee Turner and Megan Renee Turner brings a glimmer of hope for closure to a case that has spanned more than three decades. The relentless efforts of investigators, coupled with advancements in technology, have finally led to tangible progress. The community, plagued by unanswered questions for so long, can now begin to see a path towards resolution.

Justice for the victim

The ultimate objective of the arrest is to bring justice to Justin Lee Turner, a young life tragically cut short. As the legal process moves forward and the details of the case are brought to light, the hope for a just outcome strengthens. The memory of Justin will be honored through the pursuit of truth and the determination to hold those responsible accountable for their actions.

While the wounds inflicted by this 34-year-old murder case may never fully heal, the arrest of Victor Lee Turner and Megan Renee Turner is an important step towards achieving closure and justice for Justin Lee Turner and the community that mourns him.

Related site – Microscopic fibers link couple to 5-year-old son’s strangulation 34 years ago, sheriff says

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