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A Russian ally’s purchase of French and Indian weapons is another sign Moscow is losing influence in its neighborhood

The recent Russian ally’s purchase of French and Indian weapons by Armenia signals a further decline in Moscow’s influence in the region. Armenia, a long-time ally of Russia, has turned to France and India for air-defense systems, indicating a shift away from its dependency on Russian military hardware. This move comes as tensions with neighboring Azerbaijan escalate, following Azerbaijan’s conquest of the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh.

The acquisitions not only highlight Armenia’s pursuit of alternative defense cooperation options but also demonstrate its efforts to modernize its military. As Armenia strengthens its foreign and national-security policies by building defense alliances and enhancing its ability to counter enemy airpower, it becomes clear that its partnership with Russia is at a low point while its ties with the West and NATO grow stronger.

Armenia’s purchase of French and Indian weapons

Armenia has recently made significant orders for weapons, specifically air-defense systems, from France and India. These orders come at a time of heightened tensions with neighboring Azerbaijan, with whom Armenia has had multiple conflicts. In September, Azerbaijan conquered the enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh, causing many ethnic Armenian residents to flee. In response to mounting pressure from Azerbaijan, Armenia is taking steps to lessen its dependency on Russian military hardware, a long-time ally that has offered little support. These weapon acquisitions are a clear indication of Armenia’s effort to modernize its military and diversify its defense cooperation.

Armenia’s orders amid tensions with Azerbaijan

The timing of Armenia’s weapon orders is significant, as it comes amidst ongoing tensions and conflicts with Azerbaijan. Armenia and Azerbaijan have a history of clashes and territorial disputes, with the most recent conflict resulting in territorial loss for Armenia. The short clash in September ended with Azerbaijan conquering Nagorno-Karabakh, displacing a significant number of ethnic Armenian residents. This territorial loss has only increased the urgency for Armenia to improve its military capabilities and enhance its defense systems.

Significance of the orders

The recent orders for weapons by Armenia hold great significance. They are a direct response to the outcome of conflicts and the mounting pressure from Azerbaijan. The conflict in 2020 brought attention to Azerbaijan’s effective use of aerial drones, highlighting the importance of air-defense systems for Armenia’s defense capabilities. The lessons learned from previous conflicts have emphasized the need for Armenia to strengthen its air defenses and enhance its ability to defend against drones and other aerial threats.

Armenia’s attempt to lessen dependency on Russian military hardware

Armenia has long been a staunch ally of Russia, relying heavily on Russian military hardware. However, recent conflicts with Azerbaijan and Russia’s lack of support have strained this alliance. Russia’s focus on the war in Ukraine has limited its ability to assist Armenia in its conflicts with Azerbaijan. This lack of support, combined with Armenia’s changing relations with Russia, has prompted Armenia to seek alternative defense cooperation options. By diversifying its defense partnerships, Armenia aims to reduce its dependence on Russian military hardware.

Armenia’s military arsenal and attempt to modernize

Historically, Armenia’s military arsenal has been predominantly Russian. However, the country’s attempt to modernize and enhance its defense capabilities has led to efforts to diversify its weapons sources. Russia’s failure to aid Armenia during the conflicts with Azerbaijan has further highlighted the need for Armenia to strengthen its military independently. The choice to order air-defense systems from France is a significant step in Armenia’s modernization efforts. It not only sends a message to Russia that Armenia has other options for defense cooperation but also marks a major leap forward in Armenia’s military development.

Armenia’s changing relations with Russia

Armenia’s partnership with Russia has faced challenges in recent years. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan has pushed for closer ties with NATO and the West, questioning the value of Armenia’s membership in the Moscow-led Collective Security Treaty Organization. This shift in Armenia’s foreign policy has strained its relationship with Russia. Simultaneously, the United States has shown interest in strengthening its security relationship with Armenia, further complicating Armenia’s relations with Russia. Russia has opposed the growing defense relations between Armenia and the US, creating additional tensions.

Armenia’s building of strategic partnerships

Armenia’s foreign and national security policies are focused on building strategic partnerships with more powerful actors, both within and outside Eurasia. The country aims to improve its military capabilities to defend against Azerbaijan’s airpower in tactical engagements. India, in particular, is seen as a prized defense partner for Armenia due to its large defense industry and the potential to arm and improve Russian weapons platforms deployed by Armenia. These strategic partnerships are aimed at advancing Armenia’s territorial integrity and security.

Sensitivity of Armenia’s international position

Armenia’s recent weapon acquisitions reflect the sensitivity of its international position. The purchases aim to bolster Armenia’s defense capabilities while considering potential political backlash. Turkey and Azerbaijan have criticized the French arms sales to Armenia, leading to concerns about destabilizing the region or triggering new conflicts. The short-range yet effective air-defense systems purchased from France are aimed at striking a balance between bolstering Armenia’s arsenal and avoiding destabilization in the region. As Armenia navigates its international position, it must carefully consider the political implications of its weaponry acquisitions.

Choosing short-range yet effective air-defense systems

The range of air-defense systems has significant importance in warfare. Armenia and France have chosen short-range systems to avoid destabilizing the region or risking an outbreak of hostilities. The Mistral air-defense missiles purchased from France have a relatively short range of 4 miles, making them ideal for inflicting higher costs on Azerbaijan’s drone airpower, which played a significant role in the 2020 conflict. The decision to prioritize short-range effective systems demonstrates Armenia’s strategic approach to defense and minimizing the potential for escalation.


Armenia’s recent purchase of French and Indian weapons signifies its efforts to diversify its defense cooperation and reduce dependency on Russian military hardware. The weapon acquisitions come amid heightened tensions with Azerbaijan and territorial losses faced by Armenia. The significance of these orders lies in the lessons learned from previous conflicts and the mounting pressure from Azerbaijan. Armenia’s attempt to modernize its military and enhance its defense capabilities is evident in its decision to select France as a significant defense partner. These strategic moves have implications for Armenia’s relationship with Russia and the potential impact on the region.

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