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MessageBird rebrands as Bird

Bird, formerly known as MessageBird, has recently undergone a rebranding process, accompanied by a drastic reduction in prices, as the company aims to challenge Twilio in the cloud communications platform market. Founded in 2011, Bird has acquired the domain name, emphasizing its commitment to establishing a long-lasting legacy in the industry.

Notably, the company has chosen to distance itself from any association with Bird Scooters, stating that it envisions a future for itself far beyond the scooter market. With slashing prices by as much as 90% on SMS services, Bird seeks to provide a cost-effective alternative to Twilio and other competitors. By offering convenience and value-added services rather than focusing solely on the channel itself, Bird aims to revolutionize the industry and cement its position as a major player.

MessageBird rebrands as Bird

MessageBird, a cloud communication platform for enterprises, has recently undergone a significant rebranding. The Amsterdam-based company, founded in 2011, has changed its name to Bird, following its acquisition of the highly sought-after domain name, The rebranding decision was made with a long-term vision in mind, as the company aims to establish itself as a legacy company that will thrive for the next 50 years.

Background on MessageBird

MessageBird, originally established as a company by Adriaan Mol and Robert Vis, was known for its cloud communication solutions for businesses. Over the years, it has gained recognition as a reliable and innovative enterprise platform, catering to the needs of various industries.

Acquisition of domain name

The acquisition of the domain name was a significant milestone for the rebranding process. While the details of the acquisition have not been made public, reports suggest that it involved a substantial financial investment, underscoring the company’s commitment to the new brand identity.

Reasons for rebranding

The decision to rebrand as Bird was driven by the desire to establish a lasting legacy. The founders recognized that the previous name, MessageBird, did not align with their long-term vision for the company. By adopting the name Bird, they hope to create a strong and recognizable brand identity that will endure for decades to come.

New products and services

In addition to the rebranding, Bird has also launched a range of new products and services. These offerings aim to further enhance the company’s position in the competitive cloud communication market. Bird has expanded its product lineup to include Bird CRM, which provides solutions for marketing, sales, and payments through email, SMS, and WhatsApp. This comprehensive CRM system enables enterprises to effectively engage with their customers and drive business growth.

Pricing cuts to take on Twilio

To compete with major players in the cloud communication industry, Bird has implemented drastic pricing cuts across its range of products and services. By reducing prices, Bird aims to challenge the dominance of Twilio, one of the leading companies in the sector.

Overview of pricing cuts

Bird has announced a significant reduction in prices across its offerings. This move is intended to make Bird’s services more affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes. By offering competitive pricing, Bird seeks to attract customers who may have previously relied on Twilio or other competitors.

Specific discounts on Bird CRM

Among the various pricing cuts, Bird CRM has received significant discounts. The cost of Bird CRM for marketing, sales, and payments through email, SMS, and WhatsApp has been slashed by 40% to 90%. This reduction in price aims to make Bird CRM an attractive option for businesses looking for a comprehensive customer relationship management solution.

90% discount on SMS

One of the most notable pricing cuts introduced by Bird is a staggering 90% discount on SMS services. This move directly challenges Twilio, which reportedly generates $1.3 billion in profit from SMS. By offering such a substantial discount, Bird aims to disrupt the market and potentially drive Twilio’s SMS profits to zero.

Impact on Twilio’s profits

The pricing cuts introduced by Bird are likely to have a significant impact on Twilio’s profits. While Twilio has enjoyed a dominant position in the cloud communication market, Bird’s aggressive pricing strategy poses a serious threat. With Bird’s attractive discounts, businesses may be incentivized to switch from Twilio to Bird, potentially causing a decline in Twilio’s profitability.

Comparison with other SMS providers

Bird’s pricing cuts not only target Twilio but also position Bird as a compelling alternative to other SMS providers. By offering significantly lower costs, Bird aims to establish itself as a more cost-effective option for businesses seeking SMS services. This aggressive pricing strategy may result in a market shift as customers reassess their options and consider Bird alongside other SMS providers.

Bird’s differentiation from Twilio

Bird aims to differentiate itself from Twilio and other competitors in the cloud communication industry. By adopting a new approach, Bird seeks to provide more value to its customers and redefine the role of a communication platform.

Moving away from commoditized API providers

Bird’s differentiation strategy involves moving away from being perceived as a commoditized API provider. The company recognizes that the market is saturated with numerous API providers offering similar services. To stand out, Bird aims to focus on the ability to leverage the channel effectively, rather than just providing access to it.

Emphasizing the ability to do something with the channel

Instead of solely focusing on the channel itself, Bird emphasizes the importance of being able to utilize the channel effectively. The company believes that the value lies in what businesses can accomplish with the communication channel, rather than the channel alone. This shift in perspective showcases Bird’s dedication to providing practical solutions for its customers.

Giving away channel costs

As part of its differentiation strategy, Bird aims to provide added value to its customers. While other channel providers may find this approach detrimental to their business, Bird is committed to giving away channel costs. By doing so, Bird seeks to create a more convenient and attractive offering that sets it apart from competitors.

Importance of convenience on top of the channel

Bird recognizes the significance of convenience in the modern communication landscape. In addition to the fundamental channel capabilities, Bird seeks to provide convenience on top of its offerings. This emphasis on convenience aims to enhance the customer experience and further differentiate Bird from competitors.

Focus on infrastructure + application

To adapt to the evolving communication landscape, Bird emphasizes the integration of infrastructure and application capabilities. The company recognizes that the future of communication lies in seamlessly combining infrastructure with practical applications. By providing a comprehensive solution that encompasses both aspects, Bird aims to deliver enhanced value to its customers.

Incorporating AI into the communication landscape

Bird acknowledges the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) in communication. The company believes that AI has changed the game and will continue to shape the industry. By incorporating AI into its communication landscape, Bird intends to stay at the forefront of innovation and enable its customers to leverage AI-driven solutions.

Co-founder Vis seeks to buy out companies

In addition to the rebranding and pricing cuts, Bird’s co-founder, Robert Vis, has expressed his intention to buy out companies with Electronic Money Institution (EMI) and/or Payment Institutions (PI) licenses. Vis’s LinkedIn post announcing this initiative gained significant attention within the business community.

LinkedIn post about seeking to buy out companies

Vis’s LinkedIn post, which went viral on the networking platform, detailed his plan to acquire companies with EMI and/or PI licenses. This announcement showcased Vis’s ambition to expand Bird’s capabilities and further establish the company’s presence in the financial sector.

Interest in Electronic Money Institution and/or Payment Institutions licenses

Bird’s interest in EMI and/or PI licenses reflects its strategic vision for future growth and diversification. By acquiring such licenses, Bird aims to broaden its scope and offer a more comprehensive range of financial services. This move highlights Bird’s commitment to exploring new avenues and expanding its capabilities beyond traditional cloud communication solutions.

Separation from bankrupt Bird scooter company

It is important to note that Bird, the cloud communication platform, is entirely separate from the recently bankrupt Bird scooter company. The rebranding of MessageBird to Bird should not be confused with the financial troubles faced by the scooter rental company. The decisions and actions taken by Bird are focused solely on the evolution and growth of the cloud communication business.

In conclusion, Bird’s rebranding as Bird, coupled with significant pricing cuts, highlights the company’s determination to establish itself as a leading player in the cloud communication industry. By differentiating itself from competitors like Twilio, Bird aims to provide innovative solutions that emphasize the practical use of communication channels. Furthermore, Bird’s ambition to acquire companies with EMI and/or PI licenses demonstrates its commitment to expanding its capabilities and venturing into new sectors. With its focus on infrastructure, application, convenience, and AI integration, Bird is well-positioned to shape the future of cloud communication.

Related site – MessageBird rebrands as Bird, and slashes prices by 90% on SMS to take on Twilio

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