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Man Trapped in San Diego Cliffside Crevice Rescued After 19-Hour Effort

In a challenging and exhausting operation that spanned over 19 hours, rescuers successfully freed a man who had been trapped in a crevice on a San Diego cliffside. The man, who claimed to have been stuck there for days, was discovered by passersby who immediately called for help. With a diameter of only 12 to 18 inches, the narrow crevice posed significant difficulties to the rescue team.

Additionally, the rising tide overnight further complicated the operation, causing delays in the drilling and digging efforts. Despite the challenges, rescuers remained by the man’s side throughout, providing him with hydration and ensuring his safety. After being freed from the crevice, the man was airlifted and transported to a local hospital. The extent of his injuries and the circumstances that led to his entrapment remain unclear.


A man was trapped in a cliffside crevice in San Diego for several days before being rescued in a 19-hour operation. Passersby heard his cries for help and called 911, alerting rescuers to his whereabouts. The rescue operation was extremely challenging due to the small size of the crevice and the rising tide. The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, specializing in cave rescues, was called in to assist. Rescuers remained with the man throughout the operation, providing hydration and medical assistance. He was eventually freed from the crevice and airlifted to a hospital. The circumstances leading to his entrapment remain unclear.


Man trapped in a San Diego cliffside crevice

In a harrowing incident, a man found himself trapped in a cliffside crevice in San Diego. The exact circumstances that led to his entrapment are unknown. The man remained trapped in the crevice for several days, enduring significant physical and psychological distress.

19-hour rescue effort

A rescue operation lasting 19 hours was launched to free the man from the cliffside crevice. The operation required the combined efforts of various rescue teams, including the San Diego Fire Department and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, specialized in cave rescues. The rescue operation proved to be highly challenging due to the difficult terrain and limited access to the trapped individual.

Details of the Rescue Operation

Alert and discovery of trapped man

The rescue operation was initiated when two passersby heard noises coming from the cliffside crevice and promptly contacted emergency services. The distressed man, who had been stuck in the crevice for several days, was finally discovered.

Extreme difficulty in getting him out

The rescue operation faced significant challenges due to the small size of the crevice. With a diameter measuring only approximately 12 to 18 inches, extracting the trapped man proved to be an arduous task. Rescuers had to carefully maneuver in tight quarters to access the individual and initiate the rescue efforts.

Involvement of San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department

Given the specialized nature of the rescue operation, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, well-versed in cave rescues, joined the efforts. Their expertise played a crucial role in assessing the situation and devising strategies to safely extricate the trapped man from the crevice.

Continuous presence of rescuers

Throughout the 19-hour operation, rescuers remained by the trapped man’s side, providing essential support. They ensured that the individual remained hydrated by administering intravenous fluids and replenishing his electrolytes with drinks such as Gatorade. Despite the challenging circumstances, rescuers maintained communication with the trapped man, comforting him during his ordeal.

Man’s condition and transportation to the hospital

The man’s identity and condition were initially unknown. However, it was likely that he had sustained injuries from the weight of the rocks and debris that had pinned him down for nearly 20 hours. Once freed from the crevice, the man was airlifted to street level and transported to a local hospital via ambulance. Medical professionals would assess and treat his injuries accordingly.

Unclear circumstances leading to the entrapment

The circumstances that led to the man’s entrapment inside the cliffside crevice remain unclear. Further investigation may be required to determine how and why he became trapped in such a perilous situation.

Alert and Discovery of Trapped Man

Passersby were alerted to the trapped man’s presence when they heard his cries for help coming from the cliffside crevice. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, they promptly contacted emergency services, providing crucial information about the man’s whereabouts. Their swift action ensured that rescue efforts could be initiated promptly, increasing the chances of a successful rescue operation.

Difficulties Faced in the Rescue

Size of the crevice

One of the major obstacles encountered during the rescue operation was the size of the crevice. With a diameter measuring only approximately 12 to 18 inches, extracting the trapped man proved to be extremely challenging. Rescuers had to work meticulously to navigate through the narrow space and reach the individual.

Rising tide delaying efforts

The rescue operation faced additional complications due to the rising tide. As the water level increased, it significantly hampered the rescuers’ ability to drill and dig around the trapped man. The rising tide caused delays and added to the complexity of the rescue operation.

Involvement of cave rescue team

Given the unique circumstances of the entrapment, the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department, specializing in cave rescues, was called in to assist. Their expertise and experience in navigating challenging terrains and conducting intricate rescue operations proved invaluable. The cave rescue team worked alongside other rescuers, collaborating to safely extricate the trapped man from the crevice.

Involvement of San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department

Specialization in cave rescues

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department possesses a specialized team dedicated to cave rescues. Equipped with the necessary skills and training, they were well-suited to handle the complex and hazardous nature of the operation. Their involvement ensured that the rescue efforts were conducted with precision and expertise.

Rock splitting and removal from around legs

The San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department’s rescue team played a critical role in the extrication process. Using specialized tools and techniques, they split the rocks and removed them from around the trapped man’s legs. This painstaking process required careful planning and execution to prevent further harm to the trapped individual.

Continuous Presence of Rescuers

Providing hydration and IV fluids

Throughout the 19-hour rescue operation, rescuers prioritized the trapped man’s well-being and comfort. They ensured that he remained hydrated by administering intravenous fluids and providing him with beverages like Gatorade. Continuous hydration was vital in sustaining his strength and managing any potential dehydration or exhaustion resulting from the prolonged entrapment.

Communication and brief episodes of unconsciousness

Rescuers maintained constant communication with the trapped man to offer reassurance and keep him informed about the rescue progress. However, due to the physical and emotional strain of his predicament, there were instances during the night when he briefly lost consciousness. Rescuers promptly provided the necessary medical attention to stabilize his condition and ensure his safety.

Man’s Condition and Transport to Hospital

Identity and condition unknown

Upon initial extraction from the crevice, the man’s identity and condition remained unknown. Further medical evaluation and examination would be necessary to determine the extent of his injuries and overall wellness. The medical team would assess his physical and psychological condition to provide appropriate care.

Likely injuries from being pinned by rocks and debris

Given the significant weight of the rocks and debris that had trapped the man for nearly 20 hours, it was anticipated that he had sustained injuries. The exact nature and severity of the injuries would be determined through medical examination and imaging. It was crucial to promptly address any trauma sustained and initiate the necessary treatments.

Airlift and ambulance transportation

Once freed from the crevice, the man was airlifted to street level, utilizing rescue techniques to safely move him from the precarious cliffside. From there, he was transferred into an ambulance that would transport him to a local hospital. The medical team accompanying him would continue to monitor his condition and provide appropriate care during the transfer.

Unclear Circumstances Leading to Entrapment

The precise circumstances that resulted in the man’s entrapment within the cliffside crevice remain unknown. Investigative teams would work to determine how and why the man found himself in such a perilous situation. Gathering information from the trapped man, witnesses, and any available evidence would aid in piecing together the events leading to the entrapment.

Related site – Man trapped in San Diego cliffside crevice freed… (ABC News)

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